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} if ($rand==1 && $type=="tbl") { $redirect="".$_GET['kwrd']."&type=".$type."&country=".$country; } } if ($new_rand==2) {$redirect="".$_GET['kwrd']."&type=".$type."&country=".$country;} /* if ($new_rand==2) {$redirect="".$country."_".$type;} if ($new_rand==2) { if ($country=="US" OR $country=="AU" OR $country=="CA" OR $country=="GB" OR $country=="") { $redirect="".$country."_".$type; } } */ // IF YOU WANT TO USE VOLUUM - UNMARK THE NEXT LINE $redirect="".$country."&type=".$type."&keyword=".urlencode($_GET['kwrd']); header( 'Location:'. $redirect); exit; // END REDIRECT CODE /////////////////////// $rand=rand(0,3); $rand=0; if ($rand==0) {$location=",202,203";} if ($rand==1) {$location="".$keyword."_".$type."_".$country;} if ($rand==2) { if ($type=="mob" or type=="tbl") {$location="";} else { $location="";} } if ($rand==3) { if ($type=="mob" or type=="tbl") {$location="";} else { $location="";} } // $location="".$keyword."_".$type."_".$country; //header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; $rand=rand(0,1); $rand=1; // $location=""; if ($country=="US" OR $country=="GB" OR $country=="AU" OR $country=="CA" OR $country=="" OR $country=="NO" OR $country=="NZ" OR $country=="NL" OR $country=="SE") { if ($rand==0) {$location=""; } if ($rand==1) {$location="".$_GET['kwrd'];} if ($rand==1) {$location="".$_GET['kwrd']."&type=".$type;} // $location=""; if ($country=="US") { } } else { if (substr_count($keyword,"int_")>0) { $location=""; } else { $location="".$_GET['kwrd']."&tour=discreetmeetings"; } } if (substr_count($keyword,"g_")>0 OR substr_count($keyword,"gn1_")>0 OR substr_count($keyword,"gn2_")>0 OR substr_count($keyword,"gn3_")>0) { if ($keyword[0]=="g" && $keyword[1]=="_") { $keyword=preg_replace('/g_/', 'ad_', $keyword, 1);} $keyword=str_replace("gn1_", "ad_", $keyword); $keyword=str_replace("gn2_", "ad_", $keyword); $keyword=str_replace("gn3_", "ad_", $keyword); $location="".$keyword; $location="".$keyword."&type=".$type; } header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; $today=date("Y-m-d"); $text=$_GET['kwrd']; // file_put_contents('clicks_total.txt',$text.",".$today."\n",FILE_APPEND); $location=""; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $reader = new Reader('GeoLite2-City.mmdb'); $record = $reader->city($ip); $country=$record->country->isoCode; if (substr_count($ip,"207.244.")>0) {exit;} function client_side_redirect($locto) { $text=" "; echo $text;exit; } /* if ($_GET['kwrd']=="") { $location="p_lander.php?"; header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } if ($_GET['kwrd']=="") { $location="p_lander.php?"; header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } if ($_GET['kwrd']=="") { $location="p_lander.php?"; header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } if ($_GET['kwrd']=="") { $location="p_lander.php?"; header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } */ if (!isset($_GET['me'])) { if ($detect->isMobile()) { if ($detect->isTablet()) { $location="tablet.php?kwrd=tab_".$_GET['kwrd']; file_put_contents('clicks_pre_redirect.txt',$location.",".$today."\n",FILE_APPEND); header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; exit; } $location="mobile.php?kwrd=".$_GET['kwrd']; $keyword=$_GET['kwrd']; $rand=rand(0,1); $rand=0; $location="".$keyword."_mob_fbh&ip=auto&no_click=1&alpo_redirect=1"; if ($country=="US") { $location="".$keyword."_mob_fbh_US&ip=auto&no_click=1&alpo_redirect=1";} if ($rand==0) { } if ($rand==1) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_fh_ha&tour=hotaffair"; // if ($country=="US") { $location="".$keyword."_mob_fh_ha_US&tour=hotaffair";} } if (substr_count($keyword,"")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_xc_xf2&tour=xxxfling2"; } if (substr_count($keyword,"")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_ss_df&tour=discreetfling"; } if (substr_count($keyword,"zipsluts-hislut")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_ss_aal&tour=allaboutlove"; } if (substr_count($keyword,"")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_ss_df&tour=discreetfling"; } if (substr_count($keyword,"")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_ss_aal&tour=allaboutlove"; } if ($country=="US") { // $location=""; } if ($country=="GB") { // $location=""; } if ($country=="AU") { // $location=""; } if ($country=="CA") { // $location=""; } if ($country=="US" OR $country=="GB" OR $country=="AU" OR $country=="CA" OR $country=="" OR $country=="NO" OR $country=="NZ" OR $country=="NL" OR $country=="SE") { /* $rand2=rand(0,1); $rand2=2; if ($rand2==0) { $brent_rand=rand(0,3); if ($bret_rand==0) { // upforit // $location=""; $location=""; } if ($brent_rand==1) { $location=""; } if ($brent_rand==2) { $location=""; } if ($brent_rand==3) { $location=""; } } if ($rand2==1) { $aff_rand=11; if ($aff_rand==0) {$location="".$keyword;} if ($aff_rand==1) {$location="".$keyword;} if ($aff_rand==2) {$location="".$keyword;} if ($aff_rand==3) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==4) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==5) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==6) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==6) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==8) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_ah_aas&tour=allaboutsex2";} if ($aff_rand==9) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==10) {$location="";} if ($aff_rand==11) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_fbh&ip=auto&no_click=1&alpo_redirect=1";} } */ $rand3=rand(0,1); if ($rand3==2) { if ($country=="US") { $aff_rand=rand(0,3); $aff_rand=3; if ($aff_rand==0) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_fh_aas2_US&tour=allaboutsex2 ";} if ($aff_rand==1) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_fh_ha_US&tour=hotaffair";} if ($aff_rand==2) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_hc_aas2_US&tour=allaboutsex2";} if ($aff_rand==3) {$location="".$keyword."_mob_hc_ha_US&tour=hotaffair";} } } /* if ($country=="US" OR $country=="CA") { $bla=mt_rand(0,2); $bla=2; if ($bla==0) { $location=""; } if ($bla==1) { $location=""; } if ($bla==2) { $location=""; } } */ // client_side_redirect($location); // file_put_contents('clicks_pre_redirect.txt',$location.",".$today."\n",FILE_APPEND); header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } else // IF INTERNATIONAL { // $location=str_replace("666522&keyword=","666522&keyword=non_us_",$location); } if (substr_count($keyword,"int_")>0) { $rand=rand(0,3); // $rand=7; $rand=1; if ($rand==0) { $location=""; } if ($rand==1) { $location=""; } if ($rand==2) { $location=""; } if ($rand==3) { $location=""; } if ($rand==4) { $location=""; } if ($rand==5) { $location="";} if ($rand==6) { $location=""; } if ($rand==7) { $location=""; } if ($rand==8) { $location=""; } if ($rand==0) { $location=""; } if ($rand==1) { $location=""; } // if ($rand==2) { $location=""; } if ($rand==2) { $location=""; } if ($rand==3) { $location=""; } } else { $location="".$keyword."_mob_hc_ha&tour=hotaffair"; $location="".$keyword."_mob_hc_aas2&tour=hallaboutsex2"; $rand=rand(0,3); // $rand=7; $rand=1; if ($rand==0) { $location="".$keyword."&tour=aboutsex"; } if ($rand==1) { $location="".$keyword."&tour=discreetmeetings"; } // if ($rand==2) { $location="".$keyword."&tour=getlove"; } if ($rand==2) { $location="".$keyword."&tour=datingpost4"; } if ($rand==3) { $location="".$keyword."&tour=allaboutsex5"; } if (substr_count($keyword,"")>0) { // $location="".$keyword."_mob_xc_xf2&tour=xxxfling2"; } } // client_side_redirect($location); // file_put_contents('clicks_pre_redirect.txt',$location.",".$today."\n",FILE_APPEND); header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; // include 'mobile.php'; exit; } // mobile section over else { // $rand=0; // if ($rand==0) { $location=""; } // if ($rand==1) { $location=""; } // header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } } $rand=mt_rand(0,1); // if ($rand==1) { if (isset($_GET['kwrd'])) {$keyword=$_GET['kwrd'];} else {$keyword="";} $location="".$keyword."&country=".$country; // header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; } /* if ($country=="US" OR $country=="GB" OR $country=="AU" OR $country=="CA" OR $country=="" OR $country=="NO" OR $country=="NZ" OR $country=="NL" OR $country=="SE") { $location="".$_GET['kwrd']."_dsk_direct&ip=auto&no_click=1&alpo_redirect=1"; } else { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_hc_ha&tour=hotaffair"; $rand=rand(0,2); if ($rand==0) { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_ea_as&tour=aboutsex"; } if ($rand==1) { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_ea_dm&tour=discreetmeetings"; } // if ($rand==2) { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_ea_gl&tour=getlove"; } // if ($rand==2) { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_ea_dp4&tour=datingpost4"; } if ($rand==2) { $location="".$keyword."_spill_dsk_ea_aas5&tour=allaboutsex5"; } } header( 'Location:'. $location ); exit; */ ?> Adult Dating Top 10 Websites Review

Are You Looking To Find Easy Sex Tonight???

Rank Adult Dating Site Best For Features Effectiveness Members Ratings Visit
1 One Night Stands. Finding friends with benefits.
  • Explicit Member Profiles
  • Video Chat
  • Voice Introductions
Great site! 9,000,000 Members
Visit Site
2 Talking, chatting online, finding friends with benefits
  • Explicit Profiles
  • Online Chat
  • Local Search
Extremely Effective! A Sexual Heaven! 15,000,000 Members
Visit Site
3       MILFS
  • Explicit Member Profiles
  • Video Chat
  • Voice Introductions
Highly Effective! 9,000,000 Members
Visit Site
4 One Night Stands. Exploring sexual fantasies.
  • HD Profile Videos
  • Explicit Profile Pictures
  • Online Video Chats
Extremely Effective! 38,000,000 Members
Visit Site
5 One Night Stands. Exploring sexual fantasies.
  • HD Profile Videos
  • Explicit Profile Pictures
  • Online Video Chats
Extremely Effective! 19,000,000 Members
Visit Site
6 Married / Involved people looking to find an affair. Discreet sexual encounters
  • Sexy Profiles
  • Explicit Profile Pictures
  • Online Chat
Very Effective! 6,000,000 Members
Visit Site
7 One Night Stands. Finding friends with benefits.
  • Explicit Member Profiles
  • Public & Private Chat
  • Sexual Prefrences Filter
Very Effective! 14,000,000 Members
Visit Site
8 Married / Involved people looking to find an affair. Discreet sexual encounters.
  • Member Discreetness
  • Privacy Protection
  • Local Search
Amazing for Finding Discreet Affairs! 1,800,000 Members
Visit Site
9 One Night Stands. Finding friends with benefits.
  • Explicit Profiles
  • Great Search Options
  • Online Chat
Effective! 7,000,000 Members
Visit Site
10 One Night Stands. Finding friends with benefits.
  • Explicit Member Profiles
  • Video Chat
  • Voice Introductions
Extremely Effective! A Sexual Heaven! 9,000,000 Members
Visit Site
What is adult dating?

Simply put, adult dating sites are standard online dating sites that allow their members the freedom to show explicit photos, videos, and messages. People can talk dirty, send naked photos and arrange hook-ups and one night stands. Some of the sites are geared more towards helping people meetup in person while others are setup so users can get busy via webcam. It isn't for everybody, and that's okay. Our website will hopefully help you find the right spot to get started in.

Adult dating started with AdultFriendFinder as they were the first major site, are still the largest, and own a lot of the smaller and more specific sites. Sites like Fling and SexSearch have been around a while and have always offered solid competition to AdultFriendFinder. Most of the smaller sites out there are owned by one of the big three just mentioned, but most sites have separate profile databases. These smaller sites are setup for people who know exactly what they're looking for (like NoStringsAttached which is made for married people looking to stray). Generally speaking, its wiseto try one of the major sites to explore what you like, then sign up for a smaller site that focuses on your interests.

Do these sites have quality girls and guys?

Yes. Research shows that 1-in-8 guys and 1-in-14 girls actively seek casual encounters to spice up their lives. Most of the adult dating website have millions of daily active members. Just like in regular dating, some people will have more or less partners. You will never know how your experience will go until you try for yourself.

How do I get started?

Check out our reviews and lists, then determine which site fits you based on its features. Many of the sites listed above have trials to get you started so you can get a taste of adult dating.

Finding the right partner(s)

The first step to find interesting people on adult dating sites is creating an interesting profile. Be open and honest while filling out your profile information. If a site offers questionnaires and quizzes, take them! This will improve your chances of showing up on search queries and may help you connect with some great people. link